Since I can't sit and spend 8 hours warping the loom - I have been adding threads a couple hundred at a time. This is what 5oo threads looks like....

Once all 600+ (about 610 was all that the cone would do) threads where measured and tied to the loom, I spaced them more evenly (they were a little cramped) and started the process of making the two sheds needed for a tabby weave - up, down, up, down - 1/2 the threads to the back and 1/2 to the front.

Threads spaced more evenly...

Closer view of the thread spacing...
Dividing the threads to make the two sheds needed for tabby...Don't let these pictures make you think it's an easy job - it took me over an hour to separate two hundred threads and this isn't nearly as "sticky" as wool.

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