One yard on the beam - on hanging down...You can see the thin piece of wood that was nailed to the header beam to compensate for not drilling the holes and sewing the warp to the beam...

I created this blog to record my various experiences with building and weaving on a warp weighted loom. Since then I have decided to not only blog my loom activities, but all the other projects that distract me along the way.
You are just rockin' along - I'm glad you're able to focus on this, unlike me, who would have six other projects going, and not be able to say at the end how long it took, despite really wanting to know.
I wish I was more focused - I'd be done and on to the next it stands I've also finished a mitten and have started another, did a lot of planning for running a Kingdom event, and built another website...I too would like to know how much time I've spent - but it seems to be my nature to weave an hour here and an hour there...handy that the loom is in my living room (and that I feel antsy when un-finished projects are staring me in the face...) The next project I am going to keep a much more detailed log of my time...
We are actually pretty similar regarding rabbit holes ;)
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